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Traveling India
Follow along this Summer! I will be traveling India the month of June. After a two year break, due to the pandemic, I am meeting up with my team in...

Our Mission
Our mission is to Soothe Souls Globally One Envelope at a Time. All our products come in a fashionable matching envelope that is both environmentally friendly and can be used as a clutch, travel bag, or accessory case. S.O.S PJ's use block printed fabric that is 100% cotton and hand sewn.
Made With Care
Soothe Our Souls was created after a trip to India. A search for the softest fabric - it had to be block printed. A style that was comfortable for women of all ages and with stylish packaging. A desire to create something for women, by women. A passion for helping others achieve relaxation at the end of an S.O.S kind of day.

How It's Made